
11 March 2010

slimming centre kes nak promote slimming centre kat sini plak?? kelakar gile sb da xtau nk letak title ape.. (post baru bape kerat da blur nak letak title ape..payah ni..huhu..).. cite yg nak ditulis sgt simple sbnarnye.. xdela,tetibe teringt everytime tgok tgan mcm makin m'gecil tp bile dok compare dgn org lain,still look normal.. Ok I admit I'm not slim (wearing XS size) but somehow I know I can still fit in.. sy pnah beli baju budak 6 thun and it look good on me..siap ade gmbar butterfly kaler purple tau (tp baju Jkids telah slamat diberi pd cousin sy yg time tu lom skola lg..kuikuikui)..

As far as I can remember, sy ni jenis cam chubby gak time skola dulu..mane taknye,pipi mcm kena pumps sb suka sgt ketawa..hohoho..ingt lg time kecik,kami adik beradik suka ketawa kuat2 so my mom suggest we all ketawa tanpa bukak mulut..just showing our teeth then kena tgok cermin.haha gile kelakar..korang try la,mesti xbole tahan ar,susah tau nak acting sopan santun ni..

The moment I start living separately with my family, I lost much weight.. Time tu matrix kat Uitm,foods suxs!air yg dorang served mesti Sarsi (goshh..I hate Sarsi so much!! tibe time air sarsi, sy mesti tambah air kosong utk ilangkan rase sarsi tsebut...amat sadis).. sy pernah follow one of my roomates, Alia ke Pusat Kesihatan..time die jmpe Doc, sy memain la kat tempat timbag/ ukur tinggi/ cek BMI.. guess what? I'm underweight ok!

then one fine day I balik wgsa maju
alone naik PUtra LRT bwak bagpack.. my sis (anen & kek na) waiting for me..dari jauh I can see them sitting on a bench btol2 facing the stairs.. I start waving my hand slowly with a wide smile but mereka hanya buat bodo smpai la I btol2 standing in front of them and called either one of them which I can't remember it now.. mereka bole plak buat muka terkujat and the first word came out " awak ke dik? sorila kitorg btol2 x perasan..apesal awk kurus sgt ni?? dahla awk bwak beg cmni..heshh kesian tgok awk.."
afterwards kat kg pon same..makcik2 sy siap pegang2 badan,tgan, muka sb bg mereka,sy kehilangan isi yg amat ketara..sume bising suwo mkan byak2.. seriously, I'm not choosy cume ade beberapa jenis mkanan yg TIDAK pernah mkan n TAKKAN pernah ingin mkan..lalalala~~

Then aritu time outing dgn member2 SDARY, fadzrul kate "dulu aku rase ko lg bsar dari aku, nape skrg cam aku lg bsar dari ko?" jwapan sy "memgla, dulu ko kecik n pendek,skrg da tinggi.." hehehe..still tanak admit yg sy agak kurang isi skrg.. because I think I'm still the same,berat pon xde bgerak2.. bile jmpe dgn kwan2 lame msti bentuk bdan sy akan jd topik.sometimes rase takot gak kalu2 ade sakit pape ke.. tp so far ok je..I'm not taking any kurus kerana genetik MAMA AYAH..alhamdulillah, thanks ALLAH kerana memberi sy bentuk badan begini!

even MAMA keep complaining my hands looks like skeleton everytime she saw me..hehehe..yg bestnye, MAMA akan cubit2 n tepuk2 smbil cakap "tgok badan awk ni,mama rase dah xde isi pon, ade tulang je"


PooH said...

hohoho... caya @ x... time frh sem satu dok kat UiTm Kedah dl, frh kurus gilos sbb foods dorg!!!!! buka je food court bdn pon naik bagai d pump2... hahhahaha

Dalina said...

iya betul.ini adalah genetik.
kalo tgn awk dh mcm skeleton, tulg rusuk kte dah bole bt gitar!

o ye tp org geleng kepala tgk portion mknn kte dlm pinggan mcm gunung, tp pelik bdn menten underweight!

maka bsyukurlah x perlu bsusahpayah nk diet.. Allah bg kte nikmat menikmati makanan ;D