
10 June 2011

my Maid of Honor

Entry ini sepatutnya last week dah post out. tapi biasela kan, busy sgt ;p

Sy sebenarnya dah booking one of my BFF to be my maid of honour since last year (b4 engaged dah booking..haha). Her name is Pjot. became friends since 1999..wallaaa memang kamceng ar kitorag. bile die 'terase' dgn sy, sy mcm tau je (also the other way around). Sy noticed die mcm malu-malu nak accept the job but I convinced her yg keje die x susah mane pun. I just need a fren yg close to me utk duduk dgn sy n calm me down. bajet mcm nervous sgt la nnt..erkk ;p

TETAPI apabila difikirkan semula, sy turut memerlukan die and a few frens utk distribute doorgift for friendss yg dtg. mcm mane die nak separate the task kan. takkan nak potong bdan jadi 2 pulak..hihi. After a short discussion with her, die pun setuju dgn sy! Alhamdulillah xde perasaan kecik hati ke ape kan. 
JOt, keje distribute doorgifts pd kwan2 tu confirmed tau. ko bukan kene pegang doorgifts tu. Ko duduk kat guestbook table then after org sign baru bagi. bile doorgift tu abis, baru ko bole tinggalkan meja tu.Upah duduk kat meja tu ialah nasi bungkus kenduri..hehee.

I met this girl during my sista's wedding on 2006. She's a nice person and talkative! I likeee! Now dah jadi a part of our BIG family. Anytime je bole dtg umah/ kampung. x payah malu-malu tau.. So I think she's suit my criteria to be my Maid of Honor. I need a single girl (no strings attached coz I need her for both sides), can communicate well with other people, reliable, and the most important is she's not an outsider. She knows my family and she knows my friends~ yeeebaaa!

Introducing my soon-to-be Maid of Honor ------> Annis Sattar!
cilok from her FB. it was in 2009.ngahaha
I pernah bawak die pegi Reunion AliAisyah and she mingles around. She can blend herself into our style yg havoc buat Pizza Hut mcm rumah sendiri. Sambung meja sampai melintang tgah jalan..haha sweet memory tho.

Bukan sy tak nak amik my cuzzy jadi pengapit tp diorang bukan kenal kwan2 sy sgt. nnt kesian die kene dok diam je tgok kitorag ketawa-ketawa, gossiping sume..lagipun cuzzy sekalian pun ade byak keje lain i.e: monitor lauk or monitor makcik kendarat.hehe..

So Anis, please stay with me during the entire process. Accomodation x payah risau. Pasal baju pulak, kite rase awk n Best Man pakai kaler putih la ea.. for groom's side xtau lagi kaler ape. Anything kite akan update dgn awk.

Last year time kek Na kawin, I was the pengapit. memang agak terkejar la. Sampai bakal FMIL dtg pun x sempat layan sb time tu nak bersanding. I mintak Anis tolong ganti tempat I n lari keluar utk catch up bakal FMIL tp x sempat :'( ada rase regret yg menebal di situ so I paksa Kek Na dtg umah bakal FMIL time wedding Along.kuikuikui..


Unknown said...

nk kena stat cr main of honor jugak la heheh

Dalina said...

la,,i xtau pun tu reason awk ajak g bt pahat..haha..i just love jalan2!

bahIRAh said...

uya: better booking skrg..huhu

kek Na: ni kite dah bitau pun